Neuigkeiten am 08.01.14

Ich hatte angenommen, dass die Kooperation mit AT&T gemeint ist. Das empfinde ich zwar nicht als „BIG NEWS“, aber so ging es mir auch schon bei den vorherigen großspurigen Ankündigungen. Ich hoffe, dass die große Meldung doch noch kommt.

Scheint nichts passiert zu sein.

Hier eine AT&T Link

Aber es ist weiterhin ohne LTE!

und was war nun die „big news“ ? ? ? ? ? ?

Es wird weiter spekuliert ( … post547731) aber das hier scheint „alles“ gewesen zu sein:

I spoke to a source out west who said that the all hands call was an online video conference w Elon. Apparently Elon addressed rumors about him selling the company. Elon reassured employees that he was definitely not selling since he thought the acceleration of electrical transport was of critical importance to the world. He also congratulated employees on a phenomenal year, spoke to the number of cars delivered in 2013 (source wouldn’t comment on the #). He also spoke to how they were basically going to double production in 2014 and spoke to the desire to build a battery factory. Source also commented about how Elon wanted to ensure quality/perfection for all cars coming off the line. I commented to my source that it seems like there have been challenges on small issues (but not big ones) with a number of cars including ours and that it’s tough to balance quality and quantity at same time.

Employees also had an opportunity to ask Elon questions. Apparently there was one question about unions. Source said that everyone watching rolled their eyes.