Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on-board

Immer gut zu wissen, was auf der Sonne los ist.
Aktuelles Bild vom SDO:
AIA 304:
This channel is especially good at showing areas where cooler dense plumes of plasma (filaments and prominences) are located above the visible surface of the Sun. Many of these features either can’t be seen or appear as dark lines in the other channels. The bright areas show places where the plasma has a high density.

Where: Upper chromosphere and lower transition region
Wavelength: 304 angstroms (0.0000000304 m) = Extreme Ultraviolet
Primary ions seen: singly ionized helium (He II)
Characteristic temperature: 50,000 K (90,000 F)

Mod Note: nach off topic verschoben.

Okay, ich fahr ja auch auf dem Mond. :wink:

Würde ja passen wen SpaceX das erste Model S auf den Mars schießt :mrgreen: