In dem Graph sieht man nichts weiter, als den gescheiterten Versuch des Reichweitenalgorhythmus, die genaue Akkukapazität zu ermitteln
Woher soll Tesla/das Auto/der Algorhythmus/irgendwer denn wissen, welche Kapazität die Batterie noch hat, wenn niemand einen vollständigen Lade-Entladezyklus gemacht hat?
Ich freue mich, das erste mal diesen von ganimed zitierten Text zu zitieren, um das ganze zu untermauern:
„This came from an email I got from Tesla.
As far as your question about “pack balancing”, it is not really necessary. Fully charging your battery to the maximum several times may increase the estimated range that is displayed on your dash, but not necessarily because your battery packs need balancing. The algorithms used for estimating range are based on determining how much energy is stored in your battery. However, the only accurate way to measure the amount of energy a battery can store is to fully charge the battery, then completely discharge the battery to zero, then measure the amount of energy that was released. While this would give an accurate measurement, it would not be good for the battery. So the Model S uses algorithms to estimate the amount of energy a battery can store.
When a battery is fully charged, the algorithm is able “learn” the “upper limit” for the battery. But since you don’t fully charge your battery often (which is a good thing), the algorithm for your vehicle may no longer have an accurate value for the “upper limit”, causing your Estimated Range calculation to be slightly off. By fully charging your battery several times, your algorithm may relearn the “upper limit” of your battery, so it may start to show a different/higher number for your Estimated Range. It is important to understand, however, that fully charging your battery several times, is not going to actually help your battery. In fact, frequent full charging of your battery can actually accelerate battery degradation.“
Ich habe nun leider schon ein paar mal erlebt das Ladesäulen nicht zugänglich sind und fange hier mal an diese zu sammeln.
Am Mittwochabend in der Düsseldorfer Altstadt habe ich den e-mobility Projektleiter der Stadt Düsseldorf kennen gelernt. Er parkte den letzten freien Ladeplatz mit einem Opel Ampere zu OHNE zu laden!!
Sein Kommentar: „… ich bin der Projektleiter der Stadt Düsseldorf und wollte nur für 20min… Na gut es wurden 45min…“
Auch gut von Ihm: " … ich weiss es gibt zu wenig Ladesäu…