Fastned is raising funds to build stations in Germany

Lieber Tesla Fahrer & Freunde,

Fastned is currently raising funds to expand its network of fast charging stations outside of the Netherlands - especially into Germany.

Fastned is a fast growing provider and operator of fast charging stations for all electric cars. Fastned has already successfully built 50 fast charging stations along Dutch highways. For the past 15 months we’ve seen very encouraging growth. See our first quarter 2016 results here.

Fastned believes great public fast charging infrastructure is crucial for the swift adoption of electric cars. Fast charging stations should (1) be located where people need them (2) always - always! - work and accept all fast charging standards (3) have knowledgeable 24/7 customer support (4) have at least 2 fast chargers per station, and be prepared to rapidly scale up to 4 or 8 fast chargers.

We are working hard to bring these stations to Germany (and as soon as possible with 150 kW CCS chargers). The current emission of certificates may be an interesting opportunity for German Tesla drivers to simultaneously help the development of great public infrastructure in Germany and invest directly in a fast growing company.

Why invest in Fastned now?
-directly invest in a company that is 100% committed to the best fast charging user experience
-accelerate the overall quality of German public charging infrastructure
-certificates of shares are 24/7 tradeable on the Nxchange stock market
-join the Fastned Founders Club by investing EUR 50.000 or more and get lifetime unlimited charging at all Fastned stations

For all relevant information regarding the current emission and our team, please see:

For our European expansion plan, please see:

Signing up for this limited emission of certificates of shares is possible until May 19th.

We’d like to answer your questions in this thread. Also, feedback and suggestions like great high traffic locations in Germany are always welcome. No problem if you reply in German, if you don’t mind us answering in English :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

The Fastned Team

Ich schreib mal in Deutsch, dann gibt es auch keine Missverständnisse aufgrund nicht so optimaler Englisch-Kenntnisse meinerseits.

Ich finde das Konzept mit den Tarifen bis hin zu einer Stromflatrate von Fastned sehr interessant.
Ich würde ich auch freuen, wenn Fastned nach Deutschland expandiert.
ABER: Wenn Fastned deutsche Investoren möchte, dann erwarte ich auch deutsche Dokumente und nicht ein Mix aus niederländischen und englischen Dokumenten. Zumindest ich habe keine deutschen Dokumente gefunden.
Des Weiteren erwarte ich eine klare Aufstellung der Kosten und der Rendite. Hier mag es sein, dass ich die - aufgrund fehlender deutscher Dokumente - schlicht übersehen habe.
Im Ganzen ist mir die ganze Präsentation zu unübersichtlich, sodass ich keine weitere Zeit darein investieren werden. Schade. :confused:

Thanks for your feedback. Currently we have investor related documents available both in English and Dutch.

A short introduction to „Kosten and Rendite“ can be found in our Investor Memorandum, which can be downloaded here: [url][/url]

And why I have to register to get such basic information like costs and return?
Sorry guys but even for an OTC-investement your information-policity is not very trustworthy.

Please read our prospectus for information regarding the standards we adhere to:

The new Fastned emission prospectus has been approved by the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets.

The Nxchange stock exchange has been approved by the Dutch ministry of Finance.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.