Der cooperative Feature request und Bug Faden

Ich bin ja noch nicht lang hier aber ich sehe fortlaufend kleine Fehler die einige Nutzer sehr stören. Ich möchte Helfen, dass diese Fehler seitens Tesla schneller oder überhaupt beseitigt werden. Was wir in D gut können ist organisieren und deswegen sollten wir die kleine TFF Gemeinde auch hierbei organisieren.
Postet hier also einen Bug der euch nervt und lasst die TFF Stimme bei Tesla klopfen.

Beispiel: jemand postet „feature: Navi kein Zwischenziel“. Mag sein dass ich das Feature nicht so sehr vermisse aber ich bin damit einverstanden, dass es ein Bug, bzw. ein feature request das nötig ist, und ich will dem Tesla Fahrer Helfen. Also schreibe ich einen Bug input an Tesla und poste dann

+1 Navi kein Zwischenziel und keine alternative Route

um anzuzeigen, dass ich geholfen habe. So mache ich es mit allen bugs und feature request die ich für sinnvoll halte auch wenn ich ohne sie leben kann.

und zwar hier:

Diskussion über die bugs und features bitte in separaten Fäden.

Wenn ihr fortlaufend helfen wollt Thema beobachten in der unteren Zeile klicken.

+1 Navi kein Zwischenziel und alternative route

(bitte abändern)
Dear Tesla,
it s not possible to set an intermediate goal or an alternative route in the navigation which is already standard in all navigation softwares and other cars.
Could you please add this to the navigation it is really annoying not to have this standard features in such a sophisticated car.

„Intermediate goal“ ist ein Zwischenziel im ideellen Sinn, nicht räumlich. Was Du meinst ist ein „waypoint“ oder vielleicht ein „trip via multiple destinations“ o.ä.

Gruß Mathie

Waypoint wäre besser gewesen stimmt aber die verstehen schon was gemeint ist, kann gerne der nächste als waypoint schreiben.

Hmm und ich dachte die Idee wird besser angenommen als gar nicht :smiley:

Dear sirs,

while cruising the Model S sets the desired speed according to the speed limits, that works great. If however then a lower speed-limit appears the Model S keeps the old limit and just shows you the new limit. I see no reason why the new speed is not set by the car. Why is it necessary to pull and hold the cruise control stick? Did I not tell the car already to stay below the speed limits?
It would be awesome if you could change this.

kind regards,


Dear sirs,

the road-sign /speed limit recognition is way too late. It would be important for the Model-S to recognize the speed limits at least 200 m before the sign.

kind regards,


Dear Tesla,

it is awesome that in a stop and go situation the Model S will start driving from full stop. However after 30 seconds on the motorway and even after 10 seconds within city borders the car will only roll on after pulling the lever. I think it would be great to have this as option if it needs the lever pull or not. It should be possible that only leaving the seat exits cruise control.
So to make it short I dont get why I have to pull the lever when the car stands for longer than 30 seconds in a stop and go .

kind regards,

Feature: Use Cover Images stored in FLAC and MP3 ID Tags

The Model S Media Player still ignores Cover Images stored in Tags of Files on USB devices. This wastes bandwidth for searching images online and in addition sends unnecessary data to Tesla about the music listening behaviour of users. Only if mp3 or FLAC files don’t include Cover Image Tags the Media Player should revert to looking for images online. This will also work if there is no connection to the Internet.

Feature: Use Cover Images stored in FLAC and MP3 ID Tags

Wo ist denn die von Dir abgebildete Webform?
Ich dachte man solle das an [email protected] schreiben?
Da wäre mir folgendes wichtig:

Localization of voice commands.
Torque sleep switchable separate from range Mode
Cover tag reading from local sound files
Round trip calculation/intermediate destination navigation

Über der Box ist der Link. Schreib jeweils einen Request und poste ihn hier. Ich mach es für die die ich bei dir sinnvoll halte dann auch. Andere schreiben hoffentlich auch mit. Ist ein wenig wie bei Amnesty International :smiley:

Feedback zu deinem Request Stuggi:

Thank you for contacting Tesla Motors Inc.

I have taken note of this, and sent this request to our developer.

Once again, thank you for taking your time and report this.

Dear Tesla,

In Navigation it would be great if the trip could be continued to a second location for example back home. This would make it easier to plan where and when to supercharge.

kind regards,


Du bist Dir sicher dass das keine Frau lesen wird?

Was passiert wenn ein falsches Schild erkannt wird? 80 hinten auf einem Bus, einer parallel verlaufenden Autobahn, oder mit Zusatz „bei Regen und Nässe“? Vollbremsung mit Auffahrunfall? Auch wenn es lästig ist: Mir ist es ganz recht dass man die neue Geschwindigkeit manuell bestätigen muss.

Dear Tesla,

a feature request for the cruise control when identifying signs. Right now you can pull the CC lever to adjust to the sign. Now this only works when cruise control is already running. Please make it possible to cruise with sign speed when you are outside of the cruise control. It is very annoying to pull the stick for a second, realize nothing happens as you are not already in cruise control. I thought it doesn’t work correctly before someone explained to me you have to be in cruise control for this to happen. The „malfunctioning“ also distracts from traffic.

kind regards,


Dear Tesla,

I have a feature request that protects the interior of our cars. I would like to set a temperature when the HVAC is automatically activated. This would protect the rubber and electronic interior of my car.

Thanks for listening and
kind regards,


Ganz nebenbei wäre der Camping mode ohne Fremdsoftware gelöst.

+1 (also for AAC files, please)

Support ExFAT file system on USB devices

DAB: Show station name in cockpit display, not channel name/network name.

+1 mit folgenden weiteren Punkten zum Media Player

Dear Tesla:

I have been a Model S owner for several weeks now and should like to submit some feature enhancement requests for the Media Player, as follows.

(a) Albums should be grouped by Album Artist (ID3 tag TPE2), not by Track Artist.

(b) PLEASE add gapless playback of consecutive album tracks.

(c) Cover artwork should be extracted from the track’s ID3 header if present. The Media Player should only revert to Internet sources if there is no artwork embedded in the media file (however, the user should have an option to disable this as in many cases, the results obtained from the Internet are not as desired).

(d) For classical music listeners, display of the „Composer“ ID3 tag is essential. Please include this in the information displayed during playback.

(e) Please add „rolling“ display for text too long to be displayed in the provided space.

Thank you for considering my proposals.

Best regards,

Habe auch 2 Anregungen per E-Mail an ServiceHelpEU geschickt:


for consideration by Tesla firmware developers.

The hill hold feature is great.
I would like to have a similar feature for almost flat terrain. When pressing the brake pedal for a while (e.g. 3 seconds) to not roll away when waiting at a red light, it would be nice when the Model S could automatically engage the parking brakes and display a short notice in the dash (like „auto hold engaged“). I could then release the brake pedal, the brake lights would go dark and when the traffic lights turn to green all I need to do is press the go pedal to disengage the parking brakes and start moving again, because the gear select would still be in „D“.

Can something like that be implemented please?


a short request to the Model S firmware developers.

Please, somehow save information whether a connected bluetooth device is a cell phone or not and use that information later when that same device is connecting again. If for some reason it is not recognized as a phone then, please disconnect and try again (maybe up to 3 times) until it is connected as a phone and not only as a media device.

I hate hitting the phone menu button and the car telling me that no phone is connected when there clearly is a bluetooth connection, but I have to manually open the bluetooth menu, disconnect and connect again only to get a working phone menu.

Thank you and keep improving the best car!